##################~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~######################################################## NOAReACT & University of Hertfordshire - SolPol Solar Polarimeter ########### ##################~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~######################################################## ############################## PIs: Dr. Vassilis Amiridis (vamoir@noa.gr), Prof. William Martin (w.e.martin@herts.ac.uk) co-PI: Vasiliki Daskalopoulou (vdaskalop@noa.gr) Database distribution under CC-BY-SA (CC) rights GitHub: @NOA-ReACT/SolPol ############################################################################################################### Each data folder includes the following for the individual locations of operation: - `Data_Antikythera`: folder containing all the raw .txt data acquired by SolPol when installed in the PANhellenic Geophysical Observatory of Antikythera - PANGEA, Greece measurement period: September 2018 to March 2022 location: lat = 35.86099, long = 23.30982,alt = 193 \txt: data acquired with default instrument aperture size (@5.5mm) labeled as pol_DDMMYYYY_HHMM(in UTC)_antik_duration.txt \txt_iris: data acquired with different aperture sizes (@4.5mm, 5.5mm and 7mm) labeled as polirisXX_DDMMYYYY_HHMM(in UTC)_antik_duration \txt_dark: closed aperture dark measurements labeled as poldark_DDMMYYYY_HHMM(in UTC)_antik_duration, either with instrument tracker not tracking (NT index) or standard tracking (T index) - `Data_Athens`: folder containing all the raw .txt data acquired by SolPol when installed in the National Observatory of Athens (NOA), Athens, Greece measurement period: 18/04/2020 to 14/05/2020 location: lat = 37.966295, long = 23.710624, alt = 60 \txt: data acquired with default instrument aperture size (@5.5mm) labeled as pol_DDMMYYYY_HHMM(in UTC)_ath_duration.txt - `Data_Cyprus`: folder containing all the raw .txt data acquired by SolPol for the duration of the preliminary ASKOS 2019 campaign, in the Cyprus Institute - Nicosia, Cyprus location: lat = 35.14063, long = 33.38135, alt = 181 \txt: data acquired with default instrument aperture size (@5.5mm) labeled as pol_DDMMYYYY_HHMM(in UTC)_cyp1_duration.txt - `Data_Mindelo`: folder containing all the raw .txt data acquired by SolPol for the duration of the ASKOS 2022 campaign, in the Ocean Science Centre Mindelo (OSCM) - Mindelo, Cape Verde location: lat = 16.87775, long = -24.994889, alt = 20 \txt: data acquired with default instrument aperture size (@5.5mm) labeled as poliris55_DDMMYYYY_HHMM(in UTC)_mndl_duration.txt \txt_dark: closed aperture dark measurements labeled as poldark_DDMMYYYY_HHMM(in UTC)_mndl_duration ## Text file Header The raw data `header` is: SOLAR POLARIMETER 1. `Polarimeter Position [deg]`: Instrument rotational position at 0 and 45 degrees from reference 2. `Rotator Position [deg]`: Polarizer position in sets of [0, 40, 130, 220, 310] in degrees 3. `PEM Setting [nm]`: Photoelastic Modulator Head operating wavelength, default 550nm 4. `Retardation [waves]`: PEM induced retardation 5. `Wavelength Filter (Wavelength-Bandwidth)`: Filter wheel filter selection, default 550nm 6. `ND-Filter`: Neutral density 0.3 filter (pre-defined) 7. `Time (UTC)`: Measurement starting time in HH:MM:SS (UTC) 8. `Bias Voltage on Diode` Should be zero if instrument working properly, forward bias 9. `LabJack, mean DC (AIN0)`: DC output voltage from the DAQ in Volts 10. `LabJack, other`: State zero if instrument works properly 11. `Lock-in, 1w`: RMS Voltage output from channel 1 of the Lock-in amplifier, signal phase on resonant frequency (ω) in degrees 12. `Lock-in, 2w`: RMS Voltage output from channel 2 of the Lock-in amplifier, signal phase on twice the resonant frequency (2ω) in degrees ## Data validity ! Data file to be valid needs to contain **5** sets of measurements [1-12 above] for each `Rotator Position [deg]` per `Polarimeter Position [deg]`.
! Every valid file stops at a `Polarimeter Position [deg]` == 45 degs & `Rotator Position [deg]` == 310.